Sylvia Schaefer, President

This week, I was looking through old notebooks and found a handout by Mary Lance V. Sisk, called “Twelve Keys I have learned as Leader”. Though it is just two pages, it has some great nuggets for me to strive as a leader.  I would like to share the main topics with you. May I strive daily to be a good steward and leader!

  1. Practice the Presence of God (abide in the” secret place” of the Most High.)
  2. Pursue Peace with All Persons- (keep short accounts)
  3. Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
  4. Live in the Kingdom Realm
  5. Die Daily
  6. Be a Servant Leader
  7. Develop the Character of Jesus
  8. Be Accountable as a Way of Life
  9. Discern Potential Leaders and Workers
  10. Don’t Wear Yourself Out! Delegate!
  11. Have Fun
  12. Embrace Your Destiny


In-Home Prayer meetings

Community Lighthouse meeting with Sheila Art speaker

Installation of new Vp of Ministry Dev,- Gabriela Azua and VP of Finance Susan Shaw

School Prayer walk

Girls with Swords weekly Book Club

Life Changers weekly meeting

Tarleton University Prayer walk

Courthouse Prayer walk

Prayer at The Country Store - a local business

Prophetic Portraits (I am) Painting portraits of ourselves declaring who we are

New Prayer Chair Connie Veldhuizen---

Coffee fellowship & prayer

December Plans:

Prophetic Ornament exchange

Fosters Home (a Children's home in Stephenville) Christmas Outreach- Decorating Christmas cookies and some one on one time with group of approx 20 teens.


We have had many changes in the last year, God is definitely leading us in new direction for the Waco area. We are excited to see what new things are coming in 2019.

This year we were called to pray and minister to the communities. We went to schools, hospitals, and other prayer walks within our community. This was an assignment from the Lord and He has a great deal more on His mind for us.

Kim Compton was able to go to the Right Time convention in Spokane, and there received great vision for the coming year for Aglow. Our Vision is to step out in the communities and to be led by the Holy Spirit with things that are on the heart of God.

We believe that God wants us to share and visit with the ones who are forgotten and those who need to know their Identity in Christ.

We are looking forward to the New Year. We are excited to host a Prophetic Ornament Exchange in December 6.

Connie Busby,
VP Ministry Development

Hello my sisters in Aglow!

My heart is so full and exploding with joy and anticipation of what God is going to do! In my office of Ministry Development, I have ideas of new ways to advance the Kingdom of God. I just want to encourage each of you my sisters so I want to leave you with these verses. Isaiah 61 - 62:1-10.

Love you all,
Connie Busby


Temple Bible Studies happen on most Moday's of the year. In 2018. Books and audio teachings they shared included "Building A Wall Against Evil", "Breaking the Snare of Legalism" and "Victory in the Mind."

They will begin 2019 with the study on "Sonship" by Al Houghton.

Averaging 15-19 on Monday mornings, they have also started a monthly Monday evening study featuring Dutch Sheets, Robert Heidler, Chuck Pierce and others using YouTube.

One of the members, Amber Schaefer, is teaching a weekly bible study and is serving as Temple's Media Chair. The Lighthouse has plans to restart their Generations group, consisting of mother's and young children.

Holly Hugo serves as Bible Study Chair as well as VP Finance with Sheron Bachus serving as President of the Neighborhood Lighthouse.

Several of their group traveled to Israel in 2018, and Sheron and Holly attended National Conference in Spokane in November.

Twila Allen, VP Financial Development

This phrase has been taken from the famous opening paragraph of Charles Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities. The novel opens with, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, …”

Our Father, in His infinite wisdom has destined Aglow to be involved in “the best of times” for His Kingdom!  We are so blessed and honored individually and corporately to be a part of His great plan for the end-time harvest.  As V.P. of Financial Development, I am seeing clearly that our spirit-led giving is a critical part of His overall plan to harvest the nations.  Will you prayerfully join me in the coming days to seek Him for guidance in our giving?


Highlights for 2018

  • Handmade Christmas Cards for Prison Ministry
  • Prayer around area for government offices; schools, areas with concentration of drug, prostitution, violence and poverty.
  • Prayer for Election 2018, government officials
  • Kirk Cameron Prayer for America
  • Franklin Graham “Decision Texas Tour”
  • Specific weekly prayers for entire month through Women of Purpose Ministry
  • Visit, donate, fellowship & participate in bible study at Teach Them To Love Ministry
  • Attended KPLE Banquet
  • Empowering & Inspiring christian movie outings & field trips
  • Care package donations to prison ministry
  • Supported “Gift to the city” at Spokane Convention
  • Historic attendance for Lighthouse members at a National Aglow conference – 5 members, including 3 first-timers
Looking Ahead: 2019
  • Support “Teach Them To Love” Ministry banquet – March 16, 2019
  • Fundraiser for Israel Convention
  • Reach out to more ministries in communities
  • Promote and advertise for the Lighthouse
  • Poverty and homelessness outreach fieldtrips
  • Combined meeting with Lampasas & Copperas Cove Lighthouses
  • Studies on watchmen on the wall teachings
  • Prayer Targets: Community, City, Government, the Church, Poverty, Drug influence & Sex trafficking.

Copperas Cove

This year’s highlights:

Study of life changers

Study of Your Body His Temple:  Caroline Leaf

Every 2nd Friday of the month worship and soaking. Worship is warship – preparation for our school prayer.

Monthly on site school prayers;  

Specifically on school is on our heart (Alternative school)

We are going to school board meetings and connected with a City Counsel woman, in order to build with a rapport with the people in charge.

In September we were called to get involved in the local sex/human trafficking.  We are currently connecting with other already established local groups involved in fighting sex/human trafficking.

Example: The round-table and
TSOY ( Texas safe our youth)

We had  aPowerPoint  presentation done by Texas Health and Human Services.

We connected with with Go&Love. I went with them to Killeen strip clubs and massage parlors, in order to pray with the girls.




This year we’ve been focusing on prayer for our 50 mile radius and some times for the nation during election time, sometimes international if something comes up that the Lord wants us to address.
In July, I was quickened by the Spirit to begin to take back the land in Lampasas and to rename our gates, The major highways into Lampasas County. And so we began systematically addressing each one.
We also went to the site of the old convent inLampasas County and cleansed that area.
We will continue to do out reach in the way of taking that land as the Lord leads.
We began a life changer’s group on Tuesdays at 1 PM. A group on Saturday at 3 PM, and a group on Tuesday mornings at 10 PM. Everyone is enjoying it.
Monthly we go out to eat together and have a great fellowship time.


In 2018/5778 we saw many of our prodigals return home. Adult children and grandchildren were restored in our Aglow families. We know that these promises are not just for our Aglow group but our entire Lighthouse area! We are praying and believing for all the prodigals in our community to come running back to God!


Speaking of promises for our community, we give a big Hallelujah , Hallelujah, Hallelujah for all the healing God has extended to our Aglow Board. We are praising God for the healing of Val, Shirley, Carolyn and many others in our Lighthouse. We are believing for a great manifestation of miraculous healing for all our community!


Our Senior Outreach to Emerald Village and Allen’s Pointe has continued to grow under the loving hearts of Cindy and Katy. We are so blessed to have such incredible women of God to cook and serve our senior community. Pat continues to do a weekly Bible study for the seniors and it’s amazing to watch how Holy Spirit has become so real to them and the God they never knew.


We may be small but Generations is a mighty group of young ladies with divine purpose.They refocused their mission to community outreach and have begun outreaches to widows, orphans and where Holy Spirit leads them. One of the team leaders, Olivia, attended National Conference this year and experienced corporate worship for the first time. We also became pen pals with the Bahamas Generations group and are very excited about visiting them one day! Mollie, Sidney and Traci will attend the HOT Area team leadership training in Temple.


Our monthly encounters at Hill College have been a blessing as we continued to hold the “high ground” in our region. We have had amazing speakers that have spoken prophetic words into our Lighthouse and confirm what Holy Spirit has been revealing to us. Rosemary continues to bless our community by providing delightful snacks and beverages.


We continue to meet every Tuesday at our Kingdom Investment location at 401K Street. We had focused prayer for the elections, by our prayer chair Donna. We #speaklife into our community and renamed many of the gates in our community. On one of our prayer drives the Holy Spirit encouraged Bess to bring a salt shaker. As we drove around, Holy Spirit showed us where to add salt and cleanse the land.


We are “EXPECTING” big breakthroughs for 2019 and will continue to be the first responders of prayer for our community!


       Blessings from Hillsboro/Whitney Lighthouse!

Newby, VP Leadership

I’m so thankful to get to serve you as your H.O.T. VP of Leadership Development especially with the Lord announcing to Aglow International at the 2017 International Conference that He has shifted Aglow into her next 50 years of calling, focus, and anointing into the Kingly Anointing.  What an honor and privilege the Lord has mantled each one of us with. Hallelujah!

At our 2018 National Conference earlier this month, Dutch spoke several identity statements over us that are in line with the Kingly Anointing that is ours.  Here are a few of them:

  • “We are destined to kill Goliaths”.
  • There are world principalities and spirits ruling parts of this globe that we will have the honor of “Taking the Head Off of the Demonic Systems that have Ruled Parts of the Earth for Millennia”.
  • “We have been given Air Supremacy”.
  • “I say to you, Women’s Aglow all over the world, God has given us Air Supremacy and we are now no longer only going to move in the priestly aspect of intercession, we are to marry it with the Kingly  aspect of Intercession…we are now moving into the ‘Royal Priesthood’ area; the Melchizedek Order of Kings and Priests…a Kingdom of Priests…We are going to Decree as Kings.  We are going to make decrees and watch the situation change” (Job 22:28).
  • “We are a Giant-Killing Organization”.
  • We get to say to the giants and other demonic forces, “I am in Covenant with God and you are NOT, and God has promised His Son the nations of the Earth for His Inheritance.”
  • “We’ll decree that evil systems controlling the minds of men and women worldwide, WILL BE dismantled and we will watch them be dismantled.”
  • “We’ll decree walls around nations saying, ‘Come Down!’ and we’ll see them come down”.
  • “You will dethrone and destroy whatever the enemy enthrones including principalities enthroned in cultures and nations”.
  • “You will fully shift this nation when the praying church fully shifts from priestly intercession to Kingly Intercession, as well.”
  • “You will dethrone and destroy whatever the enemy enthrones including principalities enthroned in cultures and nations.”
  • “You will…decree downward (from your position with Christ in heavenly places)”.  Note: John 14:13, 14 – “Whatever you ask/demand in my Name…I will grant whatever you ask/demand in My Name.” [The Blood Covenant” by E.W. Kenyon]
  • “This is a portal season of ‘horaios’ or ‘Right Time’ for you!”
  • “You will reach down and grab entire tribes and people groups around the world and pull them through the ‘right time’ window.  THE GATE IS OPEN TO YOU!”

This is who we are.  This is what we should do because He has called us to be Kings and Priests; to rule in the midst of our enemies (Psalm 110:2); and to step into this God-given identity.  He is requiring us in this hour to focus on the other side of who He is, which is King and Judge of all the earth. (Rev. 19:16; Gen. 18:25)  I look forward to walking and growing with all of you into this portion of our identity in Christ both individually and corporately with Aglow.

Carrie Norton, VP Public Relations

I hope you have enjoyed our first newsletter! I could do it more often if I could get good information more often! I have really enjoyed looking at the photos and reading of your exploits and plans! Please keep us in the koop with all you have going on!